Monday, March 16, 2009


Dear Congressman: A Virtual 'Boston Tea Party'

Rather than sending you a real tea bag -- something that will just get dumped by the mail screeners, I am sending you this image of a tea bag. This tea bag is a symbol of how you have been letting us down, how you think you can get away with excessive taxation without listening to us, how you use such tactics as promoting wealth envy to get many of us stirred up to vote for you. As Rick Santelli said, enough is enough. It's time for a new Boston Tea Party. Along with throwing tea in the harbor (metaphorically speaking), we need to toss all of you in with them, along with Obama, Geithner, Soros, and the whole rotten bunch. It won't make a very good cup of tea, but it will improve life for all the rest of us.

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I cannot believe that all of you elected officials are doing what you're doing to this great nation. It is like you don't care how you treat or tax us!! Just remember we are the reason why you have your jobs and you too are not on unemployment. Make Pelosi, Reid & Frank shut up already. This is our country not yours to take over & do what you want. I will be joining the tea party on april 15th, watch how many people are against what you are doing!!
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