Thursday, September 10, 2009


Go, Tea Parties and 912ers!!

We are approaching two very special dates to remember: September 11 and 12.
The first date has been declared a National Day of Remembrance and Service. I think Glenn Beck is correct in stating that the day of service should be the second date (9/12).

If you want a real view of your life under Statism vs. Capitalism, check out this great blog.

For a view of what true free-market healthcare could be like, check out this posting at John's Ponderings on Understanding True Free-Market Medical Health Insurance.

My best wishes to all those tea party goers and those who will be in DC for the 9/12 events.

And a shake of my head in sheer puzzlement to those "911 truthers" such as Van Jones and Charlie Sheen. Do they also believe the Earth is flat?

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